University Structure Academic departments Department of the Russian and Belarusian Languages Research activities

Main research publications

  1. Welcome to Belarus! : Manual on discipline “Russian as a foreign language for  junior international  students with English medium instruction “ / A.V. Sentyabova at al.; edited by E.P.Pustoshilo. – Grodno: GrSMU, 2015. – P. 196.
  2. Melnikova, A.A. Russian as a foreign language. Vocabulary of medical clinical practice: textbook in 2 parts. Part 1/A.A. Melnikava, H.A. Mishonkova, A.V. Baranovskaya. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2016. – P.280.
  3. Melnikova, A.A. Russian as a foreign language. Vocabulary of medical clinical practice: textbook in 2 parts. Part 2/A.A. Melnikava, H.A. Mishonkova, A.V. Baranovskaya. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2016. – P.220.
  4. Russian as a foreign language. Speak Russian Fluently: textbook on spoken and written language development for 2 year international student/ A.A. Melnikava, H.A. Mishonkova, A.V. Sentyabova [et al.]. – Grodno: GrSMU, 2016. P. 324.
  5. Russian as a foreign language. Tests: textbook for international student (speciality 1-79 01 01 “General Medicine”)/ E.P. Pustoshilo, E.A. Dymova, A.V. Sentyabova [et al.]. – Grodno: GrSMU, 2016. P.244.
  6. Belarusian variant dictionaryof medical terms: for medical students of the faculty of General Medicine, Pediatrics, Mental Health, Medical Diagnostics/ V.I. Varanets.  – Grodno: GrSMU, 2016. P.76.
  7. Belarusian Language: handbook for preparatory department students/ V.I. Varanets.  – Grodno: GrSMU, 2017.  P.324.
  8. Russian for beginners: textbook for students of Medical Faculty for International Students/ A.V. Baranovskaya [et al.]. Grodno: GrSMU, 2017.  P.144.
  9. Mishonkova, N.A. Russian as a foreign. Written Skills teaching / N.A. Mishonkova. – Minsk: RIVSH. – 208 p.


  1. Russian as a foreign. Lexical-grammar course (with multimedia application) / A. V. Sentiabova [etc]. – Grodno : GSMU. – 402 p.
  2. Russian as a foreign. Proficiency. Clinical practice / E. P. Pustoshilo. – Grodno : GSMU. – 212 p.