University Structure Academic departments Department of Phthisiology

The main goals and achievements of our research work are:

- improvement of TB treatment results;

- study of  methods of pathogenetic therapy of TB and resistance and methabolic disoders during TB treatment

- the impact of risk factors on the course and the effectiveness of the treatment of tuberculosis, as well as the development of the adverse drug reactions.

Methods of pathogenetic therapy have been proposed and implemented in practice.

The vitamin disbalance, the effect of polychemotherapy of tuberculosis on indicators of resistance and metabolism in tuberculosis and ways to correct them were studied.

In 1979, the 1st Student Scientific Conference on Tuberculosis was held at the Grodno State Medical Institute with the participants from about 50 medical institutes and universities of the USSR. A number of student research papers for many years were awarded diplomas and certificates of the Ministry of Health of the USSR and the Republic of Belarus.

Teachers of the department took part in and reported their work at numerous scientific conferences and congresses (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Holland, Slovakia, France).

During the period of existence of the Department of Phtisiopulmonology 2 Doctor of Science, 14 candidates degrees and 1 magister degree were defended. Approved and implemented 16 scientific and methodological projects and 30 educational and methodological developments.

Over 880 scientific papers have been published. 15 applications for inventions filed, 11 patents of Belarus and 3 priority reference have been received. More than 80 rationalization proposals have been approved. According to the results of scientific works, 16 information letters were prepared. 12 conference books of scientific papers have been issued.