University Structure Offices and units Logistics and Marketing Department Staff

Vilchevski Mark

Vilchevski Mark Head of Department
+375-152-446845; email:

Graduated Faculty of Economics of the Gdansk university (Poland).

2000-2003 - The marketing specialist in Representative office of CJSC Pinskdrev Holding Company.

2004-2009 - Head of marketing department of JSC Grodno Shoe Factory Neman.

2010-2012 - The chief otet advertizing and bureau of studying of the markets and the price policy of CJSC Pinskdrev Holding Company.

2012-2013 - Head of marketing department of JSC Grodno Tobacco Factory Neman.

Since September, 2013  - the Head of department of logistics and marketing of the Grodno state medical university.

Master of economics

2000 - Protection of the master's thesis "Strategic planning at the logistic enterprise" at the Gdansk university.

2005 - Graduated from advanced training course for heads of services of marketing at the Minsk state institute of modern technologies.

2006 – A training in department of marketing of the Polish regional tourist organization, Lodz.

2010 - The winner of an award of Guild of marketing specialists of Belarus "Energy of Success" for advertizing campaign ATL  means.

2017 – Graduated from advanced training course in Academy of Management at the President of RB "Organization and Carrying Out Purchases"
