University Structure Offices and units Simulation and certification center

History of development

New technologies in medical education in the period of modern history focused on the achievement of simulation training in other industries associated with risk to life, especially in aviation. The history of medical simulation was for thousands of years and it was connected to the development of medical knowledge, the progress of scientific and technological progress. At present, little is known about medieval medical simulators, and the first documentary evidence and products survived are French generic phantoms of the 18th century. Angelica de Ciudra, to be known as Madame du Coudray, developed her own method of simulating training by phantom for midwives. Based on her sketches, the "Machine" was manufactured for the demonstration and elaboration of the birth guidance, which later became famous throughout Europe. In 1758 it was approved by the French Academy of Surgeons as educational manuals. The first human computer-controlled simulator for training in anesthesia was engineered at the University of Southern California in the mid-sixties.

In 2013 when the state program of financing was implemented, the first practical laboratory in the Republic of Belarus (referred to as the Laboratory) was established at the Grodno State Medical University in the Republic of Belarus. According to the Rector's Order No. 270/1 of 03.12.2012 the direction of activities of the laboratory was formed, responsible specialists were appointed for the documentation elaboration, for the simulation equipment purchase.

On February 8, 2013, the opening ceremony of the laboratory was held. The Head of the laboratory was Kepurko Leon Stanislavovich.
The laboratory is located in the building of the Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, ul.BLK, 50. In the rented rooms of 600m2 area, training classes in anesthesiology and resuscitation, pediatrics, surgery, class of virtual laparoscopic surgery, ENT therapy, obstetrics and gynecology, ultrasound diagnostics have been formed. All training rooms are equipped with simulation equipment. Training of future specialists is organized according to the needs of practical public health care.