University Structure Offices and units Simulation and certification center

The classical system of clinical medical education is not able to solve completely the problem of qualitative practical training of a doctor. The main obstacle is the impossibility of a practical illustration of the whole variety of clinical situations.
Today the Laboratory at the State Medical University has the opportunity to provide simulation equipment for gaining practical skills for medical students. The training process uses more than 120 different simulators from 1 to 6 levels of realism. Training classes are held in two shifts from 8.00 to 18.30. Students work on the simulators the most common nursing and medical manipulations.
In the workshop on anesthesiology and resuscitation, students are taught the principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the rules for preparing the patient for anesthesia, modeling and testing the skills of professional activity.
In the educational class on pediatrics, students gain and get acquainted with the basic methods of providing emergency medical care to children, they are trained in practical nursing skills, the technique of infusion and transfusion therapy, and perform auscultation of the heart and lungs.
In ENT class the students are taught how to make tracheotomy, examination and diagnosis of pathology in rhinolaryngology.
In  surgery workshop, future surgeons practice virtual surgical operations on various simulators, as well as on the simulator "LapSim" (appendectomy, cholecystectomy, etc.). Students make up the technique of catheterization of the bladder, the examination and diagnosis of diseases of the intestine, prostate, surgical sutures, thoracotomy, caring for stoma, etc.
In obstetrics and gynecology workshop there is a wide range of training simulators. On the virtual interactive robotic model of "Noel" for childbirth, students practice the skills of conducting labor, both in a natural way, and performing  a cesarean section and simulating various complications in childbirth, such as bleeding, eclampsia,  cardiovascular  and respiratory system complications of the puerperants .
In ultrasound diagnosis workshop, students practice the initial skills in working with ultrasound equipment studying pathologies of internal organs, gynecology and perinatology.
There are a large number of simulators and phantoms in educational classrooms, where students make up practical diagnostic skills, study infusion-transfusion manipulations and various methods of patient care and resuscitation.