University Structure Offices and units International Affairs Department Participation in international projects Erasmus+ KA2

Multinational Peer Review Board (MPRB) Meeting No. 12

23 march 2022 — 14:43

Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project SPRING

Multinational Peer Review Board (MPRB) Meeting No. 12,

March 4, 2022 Online




A. MPRB appointed members:

  1. Prof. Levan Metreveli, Professor of Public Health, BAU International University, Batumi, Georgia
  2. Prof. Linas Šumskas, Professor of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
  3. Prof. Artur Buzdugan, Technical University of Republic of Moldova
  4. Prof. Khuseyn Egamnazarov Nazarovich - Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Tajikistan
  5. Prof. Salome Khubulava, Tbilisi Medical Academy, Georgia
  6. Prof. Maia Advadze, Dean of Medical Faculty, Georgian National University SEU
  7. Prof. Marina Surmach, Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Services, Grodno State Medical University, Belarus 
  8. Prof. Viktor Riklefs, Vice-rector for Academic Work, Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan (ABSENT)
  9. Prof. Antoniya Yanakieva, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria


B. MPRB associated members:

  1. Prof. Evelina Gherghelegin, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemițanu" (SUMPh), Chisinau, Moldova, representing Prof. Artur Buzdugan, with the right to vote
  2. Prof. Nino Kandelaki, Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU)
  3. Prof. Nino Kiladze, Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU)


The following Board meeting agenda was approved:


  1. Establishing the Journal and association of The Project and choosing the title of the Journal
  2. Arranging the time for follow-up Missions
  3. Financing of Project
  4. Summarizing conducted missions
  5. Various


Prof. Šumskas has mentioned that Journal will be registered in Lithuanian University of Health Sciences as agreed, Name suggested for journal is - Journal of Medical  and Health Sciences Education for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (MEDH-EECA)

Prof. Metreveli suggested to arrange follow up missions in same time pattern as it was before, so universities will have time to prepare, principle is which university was first it will be also first for the second round (follow up missions).

First online follow up mission has been discussed with prof. Surmach from Belarus, Grodno. Prof. Yanakieva suggested time for April, also suggested to prepare draft schedule according to the recommendations and after that to organize the follow up mission. Prof. Surmach agreed and according to the recommendations will create target group for follow up missions.

Prof. Yanakieva  mentioned, that one University mission in Moldova was successfully, but second was conducted half, due to political situation, so experts came back to home countries earlier, this mission will be finished online. 6 peer review missions were conducted online and 6 - onsite. Prof Yanakieva has agreed to Prof. Šumskas and Prof. Metreveli that follow up mission in Belarus should be planed online, in other Universities it depends on the following situation.

Prof. Šumskas has mentioned about peer review reporting time, that chairmen of expert groups should encourage members of groups to write their parts of the reports.

During the meeting members have discussed also questions about sharing the reports between the Universities.

