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Multinational Peer Review Board (MPRB) Meeting was hold

06 may 2021 — 16:25

Multinational Peer Review Board (MPRB) Meeting

was hold May 05, 2021 online


A. MPRB appointed members: 

1. Prof. Levan Metreveli, Professor of Public Health, BAU International University, Batumi, Georgia 

2. Dr. Evelina Ghergheleghiu, Head of the Department for International Relations, State  University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemițanu”, Moldova 

3. Prof. Aliaksei Sysa, Dean of Environmental Medicine Faculty, International Sakharov  Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University, Belarus 

4. Prof. Viktor P. Riklefs, Vice Rector, Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan 

5. Rukhshona Sohibnazarova, Khatlon State Medical University, Khatlon Tajikistan  

6. Prof. Karolina Lyubomirova, Vice Rector, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria 

7. Prof. Linas Šumskas, Professor of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Lithuanian  University of Health Sciences, Lithuania 

B. MPRB associate members: 

1. Prof. Antoniya Yanakieva, Head of Department of Health Technology Assessment, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria 

2. Maryna Surmach, Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Services. Grodno  Medical University, Belarus 

3. Yanina Razvadouskaya, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Grodno Medical  University, Belarus 

The Zoom  platform was offered by Lithuanian University of Health Sciences for this one hour meeting, which  started at 11:00  and finished at 13:40 a.m. EEST.   

Seven members  of the  project Board out of nine (quorum was provided) took part in the meeting. In addition, three  associate members of the Board (representatives of project partner universities) took part in the  meeting. 

Grodno State Medical University was represented by 2 participants, because parallel international accreditation of university is required the participation of M. Yu. Surmach in the accreditation of the university. In the period from 11.25 ti1l 3.00, the Department of Public Health and Public Health passed the examination procedure by an expert from the International accreditation commission.

The following Board meeting agenda was approved: 

1) Discussion on the process of preparation of Self-Evaluation Reports. 

2) Establishment of 4 expert crews/teams for peer review evaluation missions and suggestions for  peer review crew missions: timetables, baseline and follow-up missions. 

3) Other SPRING project activities and work packages, other important issues.

It was marked, that GRSMU have presented Self-Evaluation Report in time, in accordance with the requirements of 12 standards developed by the project management board.

After the long lasting discussions of the members of MPRB (on-line and on site mission  possibilities, also COVID-19 restrictions, SERs delays were discussed) the modified plan for  Baseline and Follow-up missions was proposed. More detailed schedule will be discussed, updated later in the 
oncoming MPRB meetings. 

Head of MPRB Prof. Linas Šumskas mentioned that the next MPRB meeting should be held before in the second part  of May, 2021, because MPRB rotation procedure should be conducted according the project Work plan.
