University Structure Offices and units International Affairs Department Participation in international projects Erasmus+ KA2

Second distance learning workshops “Training of Academic and Administrative Personnel in Peer Review and International Accreditation”

15 january 2021 — 16:37

On January 14-15, 2020, the second of two distance learning workshops “Training of Academic and Administrative Personnel in Peer Review and International Accreditation”, organized as part of Erasmus + KA2 SPRING project (Setting peer review instruments and goals for medical (health) education) , was held.

Within the context of distance learning, 3 more employees of the educational institution "Grodno State Medical University" were trained and prepared for conducting international accreditation procedures, internal and external assessment of the activities of the medical university.

The workshop programme was prepared aligned with the requirements and standards of World Federation of Medical Education (WFME), standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education area (for medical education), Agency for public health education accreditation.

This kind of training, organized within the framework of the EU international technical assistance program, is particularly topical at present time: in 2021, the Grodno State Medical University entered the process of accreditation for compliance with international requirements (WFME). Successful completion of the international accreditation procedure will allow the University to further expand the export of educational services and improve their quality.
