University Structure Offices and units International Affairs Department Participation in international projects Erasmus+ KA2

The annual final conference on the Erasmus KA 2 project «Setting peer review instruments and goals for medical (health) education» / SPRING

19 october 2022 — 11:59

The head of the Department of Public Health and Health Service M.Yu.Surmach and the head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​Ya.V.Razvodovskaya took part in the annual final conference on the Erasmus KA 2 project «Setting peer review instruments and goals for medical (health) education» / SPRING, where they presented the Belarusian party of the consortiums of 14 universities from seven countries (Bulgaria, Lithuania, Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan), and gave a report "SPRING project at the Grodno State Medical University: lessons learned and shared experience".


Several significant events took place at the conference, representing the key results of the project:

  • the inauguration ceremony and the General Assembly of PRAMED-EECA – Peer Review Association for Medical and Health Education of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (the Association website is under construction: ),
  • opening ceremony of the Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Education for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (MEDH-EECA, ISSN 2783-6797, the journal website is under construction / ).

The conference was held at the Medical University of Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria, from October 12 to 14, 2022, and for the first time it gathered all the project participants off-line.

The Association PRAMED-EECA was registered on July 7, 2022 in the Republic of Bulgaria and currently includes 14 universities founding members from seven countries (Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan). Belarusian universities are also represented by International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University. Its main goals are: assistance to universities in preparing for international and national accreditation, preparation of new educational programs (including joint ones), informational, analytical and organizational support in conducting scientific research, providing the possibility of publishing in the journal of the association, organizing training courses, seminars, and conferences, as well as the continuation and expansion of cooperation between the partner universities of the consortium.

On October 14, all participants of the final conference on the Erasmus KA 2 SPRING project were invited to take part in the conference of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region ASPHER "ASPHER 2022 Dean`s and Directors` Retreat (Sofia, Bulgaria)". Welcoming addresses of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, speeches by the Mayor of Sofia and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as plenary reports were presented: the Director of the Country Health Policy Department of the WHO Regional Office in Europe, the President of the Global Network of Academic Associations of Schools and Public Health Programs, the Executive Director of the World Federation of Public Health Associations health, and others.

