University Structure Offices and units International Affairs Department Participation in international projects Erasmus+ KA2

The educational accreditation of partner universities from the Republic of Georgia

01 february 2022 — 09:58

As part of the implementation of the Erasmus + KA2 project «SETTING PEER REVIEW INSTRUMENTS AND GOALS FOR MEDICAL (HEALTH) EDUCATION» the members of the working group of the project from Belarus, experts M.Yu. Surmach and Ya.V. Razvodovskaya together with the other members of international expert crew (Belarus-Lithuania-Bulgaria -Kazakhstan), carried out the educational accreditation of partner universities from the Republic of Georgia:

·   Tbilisi Medical Academy named after Peter Shotadze (Tbilisi);

·   Georgian National University SEU (Tbilisi);

·   Batumi International University BAU (Batumi);

·   Tbilisi State Medical University (Tbilisi).

An analysis of self-evaluation reports of the universities, as well as supporting evidence was carried out. The educational accreditation was performed in accordance with the standards of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) in various target groups in the form of site visits to the universities combined with on-line sessions.

The international expert group has prepared reports on educational accreditation of the universities under auditing in accordance with WFME standards, as well as presented collegial recommendations on improving the quality of activities in partner universities. The trainee experts acquired essential skills for making international expertize and shared the experiences.

The implementation of the project activities was carried out in English, with the mandatory confirmation of the implementation of the accreditation program through photo and video materials of the sessions.
