University Structure Offices and units International Affairs Department Participation in international projects Erasmus+ KA2

The Multinational Peer Review Board meeting

27 january 2022 — 12:26

Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project SPRING

Multinational Peer Review Board (MPRB) Meeting

Meeting No. 11, 12

December 2021 - January 2022



A. MPRB appointed members;

B. MPRB associated members.


This Multinational Peer Review Board (project Board) meeting were conducted online on the Google Meet Platform. The meeting were chaired, and minutes were prepared by Prof. Antoniya Yanakieva. Quorum was provided.

The following Board meeting agenda was approved:


  1. Establishing the Journal of The Project
  2. Conducted Peer Review Missions in Tajikistan and Georgia
  3. Upcoming Peer Review Mission - Onsite visit in Georgia
  4. Upcoming Peer Review Mission – Kazakhstan, Moldova
  5. Follow-up Missions
  6. Various


Prof. Šumskas presented a new draft suggestion, included a new title, executive board, editorial board, international advisory and review board of Journal.

Prof. Yanakieva reported 4 Peer Review Missions as concluded – 2 online Missions in Tajikistan and 2 onsite Missions in Georgia (Tbilisi – TMA and SEU). The onsite Missions were successful, helpful for writing and finishing the reports, meeting different stakeholders, academic staff, students, and graduates contributed to all participant universities in the project. Prof. Advadze shared her experience, attending both online Peer Review Missions in Tajikistan. The predominant language was Russian, according to the official language of the project the dialogue was translated in both directions. The Reports will be finalized and conveyed until the End of January, MPBR Approval will be confirmed on the next Board meeting.

The Peer Review Missions in Georgia are planned for January 25-26 and 28-29, 2022. They are already in progress, Expert teams are elected, documentation is already spread.

Prof. Yanakieva suggested to postpone the Peer Review Mission in Moldova for the end of February because of the Pandemic situation. The Board members approved. Conducting an online Peer Review Mission in Kazakhstan was approved by the Board members due to the political situation in Almaty.

Prof. Yanakieva suggested to start planning the Follow-up mission for the first peer reviewed Universities - International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (ISEI BSU) and Grodno State Medical University (GrSMU). Right after conducting all Peer Review Missions the Expert teams can start the Follow-up mission, after March 2022. Board members agreed.

In order to spread the complete information to all participating universities, Board meetings to be held with Board members and University’s coordinators was suggested by Prof. Evelina Gherghelegin. The Board members agreed.
