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December 22, 2022 Associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology Pats Nataliya Victorovna made a presentation “Microelementosis in children and adolescents with alopecia manifestations, methods of prevention and correction” at the International Scientific and Practical Conference with online-participation “Psychological-pedagogical and medical-biological problems of health” in the framework of the agreement on scientific cooperation of Grodno State Medical University, Altai State University and Altai State Medical University. The conference was organized by universities of Russia and Belarus (Altai State University, Altai State Medical University, Transbaikal State University, Ural State University of Physical Education, Grodno State Medical University).

Venue: Altai State University, online platform for non-residents and foreign participants.

There were 10 sections at the conference:

Section No.1: Pedagogical, social and philosophical issues of spiritual and physical culture

Section No.2: Medical and biological problems of health

Section No.3: Recreational and adaptive physical education in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

Section No.4: Physical training and sports activities. Tourism

Section No.5: Young scientists’ research in human health

Section No.6: National, social and cultural traditions and modern aspects of health strengthening and functional reserves of the human organism increasing

Section No.7: Psychosocial risk factors for population health. Demographic, social and personal aspects

Section No.8: Philosophy of health, motivational aspects of healthy lifestyle and achievement of high quality of life of a modern person (personal and social aspect)  

 Section No.9: Psychological-pedagogical and medical-biological aspects of health-saving behavior formation and correction of a person in various conditions of professional activity  

Section No.10: Regional peculiarities and national traditions of human health provision on the example of different age groups

The discussed problems of the conference are fundamental research in the field of developmental psychology, methodology of complex study of problems of training and education in physical culture and sports, issues of spiritual and physical development of a person, technology of education management, inclusive education, correctional pedagogy, fundamental approaches to solving problems of medicine, human ecology, as well as generalization of experience, theoretical and empirical study of regional peculiarities of modern principled approaches to the formation of the modern principles of education and training in physical culture and sports. The event was attended by scientists from different regions of Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and China.