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The XI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists with International Participation “ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE OF THE XXI CENTURY: ANNUAL MARATHON” was held at Smolensk State Medical University on November 10-11, 2023.

Kopytich Artem Viktorovich, a 4th year student of the Faculty of General Medicine took part in the XI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists with International Participation “Actual Problems of Science of the XXI Century”.

The scientific work “Study of antiarrhythmic activity of Corydalis Cava L” of the student won the first place in the section of pharmacology.


On the photo:

Vasily Egorovich Novikov - Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Turovets Olga Alekseevna - the head of Students Scientific Society of Pharmacology.

Usacheva Natalia Euardovna - Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

On December 29, 2021, under the international cooperation agreement with Smolensk State Medical University, a lecture "Primary and secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients with chronic heart failure" by Victor Snezhitskiy, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.


On March 25, 2021, under the international cooperation agreement with Smolensk State Medical University, a meeting was held on the topic of the postgraduate work assignment of medical students, the process of registering them for placement, and the university's interaction with healthcare practices.

This meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine Boltach Andrei, the Head of Internship Drokin Alyaksej and the Head of International Affairs Department Mozalevich Aksana.

Smolensk State Medical University was represented by Prof. Alexander Asmolovsky, Vice-Rector for Clinical Work and Regional Development, and Vera Zaitseva, Head of International Affairs Department.


On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, within the framework of network cooperation with Smolensk State Medical University, the I International Scientific-Practical Online Seminar "Youth Science of Grodno State Medical University - 2021" was held.

Kratkova Elena, PhD, Associate Professor, Rector of Grodno State Medical University opened the workshop and welcomed all participants and wished them fruitful work.

The seminar included presentations by young scientists from the partner universities. The problems of development of youth science in the Russian and Belarusian universities, as well as possible directions of the universities' policy with regard to stimulation of scientific activity were discussed.

It was noted at the seminar that joint work helps future scientists to form skills to present their scientific achievements while building a research career.