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Within the framework of the agreement on cooperation between GrSMU and the University of Traditional Medicine (Yerevan, Armenia) the second Belarusian-Armenian educational seminar “Experience of teaching medical disciplines to foreign students in English” was held on December 5-6 this year. The organizers of the seminar were Rector of the University of Traditional Medicine Saribekyan N.H. and Honorary Doctor of the University of Traditional Medicine, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology of Grodno State Medical University, Belarus Zinchuk V.V.

During the seminar, lectures were delivered by representatives of our University, Associate Professors of the Department of Normal Physiology T.L. Stepuro (“Physiology of Sensory Systems”) and O.A. Balbatun (“Physiology of the Digestive System”).

The seminar was attended by 2nd year students of the Faculty for International Students of our university and 2nd and 4th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Traditional Medicine. The lecturers enthusiastically shared their teaching experience, answered the questions of students and colleagues. At the end of the seminar, the mutual words of gratitude and intentions to continue cooperation between the two universities were expressed.