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Within the framework of cooperation with the Volgograd State Medical University, on September 2, 2021, GrSMU took part in a commemorative international online conference "Memory meeting" dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the end of World War II. Representatives of Russia, China, Japan, Iran and other countries also took part in the conference.

The Republic of Belarus and GrSMU were represented by Karina Khvisuchik, the 2nd year student of the pediatric faculty, associate professor Sitkevich S.A., the head of Department for Academic Affairs and Education for work with youth Mikheeva A.L.

Representatives of our university made a presentation at the conference on the participation of Belarusians in the Second World War and the study of certain aspects of it.

Within the framework of the agreement on network interaction between GrSMU and Volgograd State Medical University in February-March 2021, lectures on cardiology for clinical residents in online format will be delivered by the teaching staff of partner universities.

Under the networking agreement between Grodno State Medical University and Volgograd State Medical University, lectures on surgery and cardiology were delivered online by the academic staff of the universities to the students of the Faculty of General Medicine.

Lecture by Natallia Shpak, Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine I "Risk stratification and prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients with ventricular rhythm disturbances".

Lecture “Antibacterial therapy of community-acquired pneumonia” by Professor N.V. Matievskaya, Head of Infectious Diseases and Pediatric Infections Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Lecture “Atrial Fibrillation. New Recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology 2020. Main changes” by V.A. Snezhitskiy, M.D., Professor, Correspondent Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Lecture “Prevention of venous thrombo-embolic complications in obstetrics and gynecology” by the Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor, MD Gutikova L.V.

Lecture “Organ and tissue transplantation. Surgical treatment methods for portal hypertension” by the Head of the 1st  Department of surgical diseases, associate professor E.V. Mahilavets

Lecture “Thyroid Surgery” by Professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery of Volgograd State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences Golbraich V.A.