University Structure Faculties Medical Faculty for International Students Extra-curricular Activities Event archive 2022-2023

The All-Russian competition of scientific reports in English was held at the Far Eastern Federal University

09 june 2023 — 15:37

An all-Russian competition of scientific reports in English was held at Far-Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Vladivostok, Russia, 22nd-27th May, 2023. More than 20 scientific works were submitted by the students of International Medical faculty from Grodno State Medical University (GrSMU).

Amongst the videos of the scientific works submitted to this international competition, where individuals from various nations participated - our students from International medical faculty were declared winners and have secured 2nd and 3rd positions in the undergraduate section.

Students, Mehul Hitesh Sadadiwala and Hardik Bakulkumar Mevawala secured 2nd rank in the contest with their topic "Plastic bronchitis and a novel management approach with streptokinase inhalation therapy: a case study".

Scientific Supervisor - Glutkina Natalia Viktorovna. Linguistic Supervisor - Sheuchyk-Hirys Katsiaryna Mikhailovna.

Students, Jahas Ahamed Mohamed Jafir and Himershi Kawya Galgepitiya secured 3rd rank in the contest with their topic "Possibilities of elimination of severe lower limb ischemia  in the stage of trophic disorders".

Scientific Supervisor - Vasilevsky Vladimir Petrovich. Linguistic Supervisor - Sheuchyk-Hirys Katsiaryna Mikhailovna.

These students have brought great pride and honor to our university and we celebrate their victory as our own. The scientific works submitted by all the participants from the International Medical faculty of GrSMU was highly appreciated for their notable characteristics of standard approach, professionalism, and high level of training by the organizers of the conference (FEFU).


Special thanks to Vice-Dean of Medical Faculty of International students Faculty - Hushchyna Liudmila Nikolaevna. 

Vice-Dean of Medical Faculty of International students - Lemeshevskaya Zoya Petrovna. 

Head of The Council of Students Scientific Society - Mr. Savitski Igar Sviatoslavovich, for his immense support. 

President of International Students' Scientific Committee - Mehul Hitesh Sadadiwala, for graceful organization and management.

Linguistic supervisors:

Kniazeva Yulia Valerievna (Master, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language)

Sheuchyk-Hirys Katsiaryna Mikhailovna (Master in Pedagochik sciences, Senior lecturer)

Hushchyna Liudmila Nikolaevna (Vice-Dean of medical faculty International students, Aassociate Prof. of the Department of Foreign Language PhD (Candidate Philological Sciences))

Special credits to volunteers, whose contributions elevated the experience of the critics and viewers.

Herath Mudiyanselage Dulith Thidasina Bandara Ekanayake, Member of International Students Scientific committee.

Fathmath Shajaa Jihaad, Member of International Students Scientific committee.

