University Structure Faculties Medical Faculty for International Students Extra-curricular Activities Event archive Announcement

Faculty graduate Shah Jash Kamlesh

24 june 2022 — 10:54

Hello everyone, today is a happy and a sad day. Happy bcoz we are graduating and sad also bcoz we are graduating. 

i still remember my 1st day me and 65 others came to hostel in the night as we got off the bus and as there were not many street lights the place looked haunted to me i am not kidding. When i went inside all the seniors greeted us with an utmost enthusiasm but still something didn't felt right i was really nervous. I missed home. But there was one thing in india we have different hostels for girls and boys but here both live in the same hostel that was something to be excited about oh i mean happy about it. 

The next day we had our 1st russian class and that is the day we meet those people with whom you are going to spend the next 6years with. I saw them and thought to myself how will i adjust with these bunch of people and now when i think i couldn't have asked for a more perfect group. Our russian teacher Anastasia vladimiravna who we call mama was like a mother to us because like a mother she made us feel comfortable, solved our daily problems as belarus was a new place for us, gave us many opportunities by making us participate in competitions that we didn't want to,  in all she was a lovely person to know. Thank you ma'am. 

Then came anatomy i remember my first classes they were like a horror movie because i was scared the whole time by now you would have guessed who was the teacher. Yeah it was dmitri sir. Yeah he is funny and cool but really scarry. But i am thankful to him that he made me realize that bro this is not an easy road and if i want to survive the classes i need to study hard. i am sure none of you would have studied harder for any other exam as it was the 1st real medical subject. We were all so fascinated and enthusiastic to work with those cadavers and bones and stuff. 

Years went by and we studied so many subjects that i have lost count and that too from such great teachers, mentors and doctors. 

A round of applause for the coolest dean i have ever seen mr alexander alexandrovich stenko. I like to call him dean cool ssly see he gave us long vacation during the pandemic for our safety so that we can stay home and study more but we know what we did instead, he was cool to give us dopusk for such stupid things that you and i know about. He was cool hearted, understanding, friendly and went out of his way to help us whenever we needed his help. Thank you sir. Administration is not a one man job there is a working force behind it i would also like to thank our vice dean lyudmila nikalaivna who was a bridge between dean and dean office , nadeshda aleksevna for giving us the platform to showcase our talent and dean office who helped us along the way. 

Some of you are my friends, acquaintances and some of you I don't even know. But When I look at each and every one of your happy faces i couldn't be more proud. Why wouldn't we be proud of what we have achieved. We have made so many sacrifices to be here. we are thousands of miles far from home. We have missed our parents and have even cried when we needed them the most, there were times when we had to live off from that limited money that we got and tried to save each and every penny possible to pay off groceries, tuition, rent and what not. We have missed a great deal of parties bcoz of those daily class tests, mini exams, final exams and even those every day tests. So we had no money, we lost some friends but found some of the best ones, we were in pain, we lost, we fell,  we cried, we missed and we even failed exams but my friends believe me these sacrifices will not go in vain, we are growing. All these instances have helped us build a personality and a strong character. You and i are going to be the finest doctors ever. Be it at any field it doesn't matter we are going to be the finest doctors the world has ever seen. 

See around guyz this might be the last time you will see this place, look to your left, look to your right these are your friends who you are going to miss so much, look at your teachers who you respect and admire so much, look in their eyes they are so proud that we are graduating. Cherish these moments. Congratulations class of 2016.

