University Structure Faculties Medical Faculty for International Students Extra-curricular Activities

At the Faculty there is an international friendship club “Eureka”.

The goal of the club is to develop and strengthen friendship between international and belarusian students, educate young people in the spirit of internationalism, peace and tolerance, increase their interest in history, intercultural communication, traditions of Belarus and other countries, create conditions for implementation of creative student projects in various fields of activities.

The club’s main objectives:

  1. Support and assistance in social activity of international students; familiarization of the students with belarusian traditions
  2. Fostering respectful attitude towards rights of other citizens based on the recognition of each person’s significance
  3. Condemnation and rejection of xenophobia, nationalism, racism, extremism
  4. Development of the sense of duty, responsibility and justice in the student environment
  5. Volunteer movement
  6. Learning history, culture, traditions and customs of various countries and peoples
  7. Maintaining connections and contacts with international graduates

The chairperson of the club is the Vice-Dean for Extra-curricular activities of the Faculty for International Students; deputies and members of the club’s council are the most active, respected students with good academic scores.

The club’s activity is based on self-government, voluntariness to join the club, and equal rights of its members.