Assoc. Professor, Cand. Sc. (Biology)
First Vice-Rector of the Educational Institution “Grodno State Medical University” since September 2010 till 2023.
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Extrabudgetary Activities since April 2023.
“Particular features of pentophosphate way in the mucous coat of the stomach and small intestine of rats in certain pathologies” (Cand. Sc. degree).
At present his research interests are devoted to the study of membrane hydrolysis and nutrients transport disorders in small intestine in pathological conditions induced by ionizing radiation and other unfavorable factors.
Assoc. Prof. Vitali Varabyeu is the author of 26 study guides and textbooks, and 67 scientific works, including one monograph, 11 innovation proposals. He is a member of the Academic Senate of the Grodno State Medical University.
Honors and awards: Prize winner of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus.