University Affiliated institutions

The state has set the task of concentrating intellectual, material, technical and financial resources for solving the priority tasks of practical health care, strengthening the role of these resources in ensuring the availability and quality of medical care, and the country's demographic security. On the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 11, 2018 No. 886 "On the implementation of a pilot project to create a university clinic", it was decided to implement in 2019 - 2021 a pilot project to create a university clinic on the basis of the health care institution "Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital" of the Grodno Region.

The purpose of creating a university clinic will be to organize medical care for the population on the basis of modern achievements in medical science, technology and advanced experience, the formation of a practice-oriented educational process.

The creation of a university clinic will allow solving a number of problems

  • to ensure the participation of practicing doctors in the educational process, which will contribute to the development of a practice-oriented orientation in higher medical education;
  • to realize the therapeutic potential of the teaching staff of medical universities;
  • to increase the efficiency of using the material and technical base of the university clinic, which will improve the quality of training of future medical specialists;
  • to bring the scientific activity of a medical university to a qualitatively new level by involving medical workers of structural subdivisions of a healthcare organization reorganized into a university clinic in it, attracting talented young people to the development of innovative scientific directions in medicine;
  • to develop a system of practice-oriented training of medical personnel based on competence and the development of a system of continuous medical education of personnel;
  • to use the results of clinical practice and research activities in the educational process, new knowledge and achievements of science and technology, ensuring the development of scientific research in medical practice.

Normative legal documents

  • On the implementation of the pilot project
  • On the creation of a working group for the implementation of the project
  • Pilot project implementation plan
  • On approval of the composition of the coordinating council