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On April 30, May 7 and 14, 2022, in the framework of the cooperation agreement with Wenzhou Medical University (China), lectures were given by partner-universities’ staff.

Yuri Lahun, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Oncology, presented the lectures "Principles of Cancer Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer", "Treatment of Brest Cancer", and "Performance of the Residual Cancer Burden (RBC) index in Breast Cancer patients after NAC (Neoadjuvant chemotherapy)" on behalf of GrSMU.

On the WMU side, three lecturers have been performed: «Radiation oncology and immunology» by Guo Wenjian, «Current Status of Diagnosis And Treatment of Primary Breast Cancer in China and its Characteristics of Our Hospital» by Wenqian Wang, and «Pathological Features of Breast Carcinoma» by Dr. Chen Wanwan.

It was a great opportunity for students not only to gain knowledge and experience from practicing physicians, but also to learn about teaching methods at different universities.            

In the frames of the Agreement Cooperation between our universities Wenzhou Medical University, P.R.China, the lectures will be delivered from April 30 till May 14 by academic staff of the universities as follows (the working language English).




April 30 


(2-3pm China Time)

Principles of cancer prevention

GRSMU: Yury Lagun

10.00 – 11.00

(3-4pm China Time)

Radiation oncology and immunology

WMU: Guo Wenjian

May 7


(2-3pm China Time)

Treatment of Brest Cancer

GRSMU: Yury Lagun

10.00 – 11.00

(3-4pm China Time)

Current Status of Diagnosis And Treatment of Primary Breast Cancer in China and its Characteristics of Our Hospital

WMU: Wang Wenqian

May 14


(2-3pm China Time)

Performance of the Residual Cancer Burden (КСИ) index in Breast Cancer patients after NAC (Neoadjuvant chemotherapy)

GRSMU: Yury Lagun

10.00 – 11.00

(3-4pm China Time)

Pathological Features of Breast Carcinoma

WMU: Chen Wanwan

CVs of the lecturers for your review:

Yury Lagun

Guo Wenjian

Wang Wenqian

Chen Wanwan